Our Services

Are you ready to feel confident and at peace with your taxes or tax problems?

We’re passionate about giving you confidence and security when it comes to filing tax returns, preparing your taxes, negotiating with the IRS on issues related to back taxes, and so much more. We can help you with your tax needs, whether you’re an individual, corporation, or a business of any size.

Tax Preparation

We are committed to stay in contact throughout the year offering personal Tax Services.

Bookkeeping Services

From financial documents to ongoing forms and paperwork, keep your bookkeeping up-to-date.

Payroll Services

Centralize all your most important documents, processes, and employee information.

Notary Services

General notary acts such as acknowledgments, jurats, oaths, affirmations, protests, depositions, and more.

Business Consulting

We work with companies to reduce costs while increasing or maintaining current quality and capacity.

Tax Courses

We offer bilingual tax courses and education to aid you in a career of tax preparation.

Find out how we can help your business

Professional, Bilingual Personal & Business Tax Services

Provided by a caring team with over 35 years experience!

The primary goal at JRP Tax Services, INC. is to operate as a full-service company, providing the expertise and experience to prepare individual and corporate taxes and to manage/intercede in the relationship between our clients and the IRS.

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Need Professional Tax Service?

Reach out to us today and get a consultation for your personal and business financial and tax needs.